It is unfortunate that we have our sprinkles come over into our driveway about 2 feet. I should take the time to fix it (which is at the top of my to do list as soon as it is warm enough) but all of our cars are now coated in hard water spots that we haven’t been able to get off no matter what we used. We recently got a bottle of powdered cleaner called Bar Keepers Friend and mixed it with a little bit of water to make a paste and then we used a clean microfiber towel to scrub it and rinse it. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am that it is working to remove hard water spots from glass on our cars. It is so hard to drive with the windshield spotted like that – and it is literally like having a brand new windshield now. Let me explain the steps below:
Start by taking a small cup, preferably a plastic throw away and add 2 or 3 tablespoons of the Bar Keepers Friend powder. Then take a cup of water and slowly pour a little in as you stir. Continue to pour the water and stir until you get a nice thick paste. You don’t want it runny, but you also don’t want it so thick that you can’t use it. Once you have the desired consistency take a wet rag, wrap part of it around your hand, and dip a small portion of the rag into the solution. Take the rag and apply the solution to a small section of the window or the vehicles paint (warning: I tried this on our vehicles paint and it didn’t harm the paint, but I don’t guarantee that it won’t harm another vehicles paint. So use at own risk on paint.) Use a circular motion as you apply the solution, you will have to use some elbow grease and work the solution to get the hard water deposit to remove. You will continue to rub the solution in a circular motion and it should feel a bit gritty. The grit feel should help in removing the marks. Once you have a good film rubbed on, take a clean wet rag and wipe down the part that you just scrubbed with the solution. Then take a clean dry rag or shammy and dry off. This should result in no more hard water deposits on your vehicle.
Have you tried this before? How did it work? What have you used to remove (or try to remove) hard water spots from glass?
Bar Keepers Friend is such a great product to have on hand. I would have never thought about taking it outside to the vehicles! Thanks for the great tip!
I have heard great things about Bar Keeper’s Friend as a household cleaner. I may have to try some around my home.
There are better solutions for a car that won’t risk your paint. Get a clay bar from the local auto store or Walmart. They’ll take it all off.
A clay bar? Is that a brand name ?
I’ll have to try that, I usually just use Windex 🙂
Bar Keepers is like MAGIC! I use that stuff all over my house but didn’t know about the hard water spots. We have terrible hard water and it just ruins everything. Definitely on my task list this weekend. Maybe! 🙂
Will it mess up tinted windows ?
Bar Keepers Friend is wonderful – they also have a foam spray and a cream. Works wonders on lots of stuff. When I first got my black Chevy Impala 2 years ago I parked at a business and while I was inside the sprinkler system got the whole front of my car & windshield. I tried several things to no avail – looked horrible. Auto shop told me to use a special paste wax and hoped it would work – that was lots of work! Then I tried Meguiars car wash – have to use in the shade and then dry off. Every spot just disappeared like magic!
So should work on shower doors?
This is how I get rid of the spots on my shower doors. Literally tried everything before discovering this- vinegar, kaboom, glass polishing paste- nothing worked. White scrubby sponge and some barkeepers friend – some circular scrubbing- you can feel the glass get smooth. Rinse well and VOILA!